Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sta. Ursula Parish Church
Binangonan, Rizal

                         The parish of Binangonan was founded in 1621. In 1679, its administration was handed over to the Jesuits, who in 1697 transferred administration to the Augustinians. In 1737, Binangonan returned to the administration of the Franciscans who had founded it in the first place. The church was built from 1792-1800, renovated in 1853. At the same time, the adjacent convento was rebuilt, under Fr. Francisco de Paula Gomez. While the church’s historical structure remains, but it is greatly renovated. 


St. Idelfonso Parish Church
Tanay, Rizal
Built in 1778, the church was named after the Archbishop Ildefonso of Toledo, Spain, who was consecrated during the year 657 AD; revered for his spiritual vitality and deep writings contained in “ The Book of the Virginity of Maria”. Behind the heavy stone edifice decorated with Hispanic, archetype windows and stone sculpture of its saint, are legends that found its way to this generation. Tradition has it that an image of the Lady of the Immaculate Conception, was found among the belongings of our fleeing forefathers on the onset of the Spanish Invasion in 1573; the same image found among the remnants from the fire that gutted the first church in 1620- a lone survivor! During the Chinese Uprising in 1639, Father Geronimo de Frias hid it in the fields but was later on found by the Chinese rebel who tried to destroy the image, instead to themselves befell violent death. This event took place on the 24 th of February, 1640; hence the annual date for the towns fiesta in honor of its second Patron Saint- The Immaculate Concepcion. ( Source: )